December 2020-Devotional 2

1 Corinthians 10:31
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it for the glory of God.

Every now and then I'll have conversations with people about giving their best in the things they do. People will ask what the point is of giving 100% when it doesn't seem like anyone notices or cares. People will say, "I could just be like everyone else and do the bare minimum."

While it may seem like no one pays attention to the extra work we do the truth is that people do notice. I remember as a private getting tasked to do seemingly monotonous and pointless PMCS. Yes the oh so popular Preventative Maintenance Checks and Services. You can only do that so many times in a day right? Well I had peers that wanted to skip out early and we'd discuss whether or not anyone would know. After all we are the only ones in the motor pool and no one would know the difference.

Honestly...I thought the same thing and had no idea that anyone would see, however in my first counseling the NCO's told me they did see! They did notice who was putting out and being where they were supposed to be doing the tasks required of them. Growing up something I was taught to value was integrity. Integrity defined as doing the right thing even when no one is watching.

If you only do the right thing for fear of being punished for doing the wrong thing you will never develop the character to be a person trusted with responsibility. People in places of responsibility need to demonstrate personal responsibility. Ownership of the work you do, pride in what you are doing, and the integrity to follow through on fulfilling your commitments.

As a Christian I also have the added accountability of knowing that I represent Jesus Christ. So in everything I do, whether great or small I do as a work unto the Lord(Colossians 3:23-24). In the most mundane things I can turn each act into a rite of worship. God is always watching and at the end of the day I must stand accountable to Him for how I live.