December Devotional 1

Psalm 90:12
Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
During the holidays there are so many cues that remind me of years. Years filled family, friends and food! While many of the memories that come to mind are filled with joy, with every year that passes come more reminders of the voids left by people I have lost.

As a follower of Jesus Christ I believe that everything I have is on loan to me. All that I have belongs to the Lord, my resources, my time, and my relationships. I got to celebrate my grandmother's 92nd birthday this past Thanksgiving. And as I listened to her reminisce about her life I heard the pangs of sadness that come from the realization that she's running out of time. Time to garden, to eat out with friends. Time to go for a walk with her children and grandchildren.

As a serial procrastinator, these recent experiences have reminded me not to take for granted how tenuous life is. There won't always be a tomorrow. All things, even good things come to an end. So while I have the opportunity I want to make the most of my time and resources. While I have the opportunity I want to enjoy the time with the people God has gifted to me during this season of life and let them know how important they are to me.

This week's celebration of the life honoring one of our fallen Wolfpack brethren really drove the message of this scripture home. Teach us to number our days so that we more wisely use our resources, spend our time and cherish the people God has placed in our lives.