January 2021- Wk2 Devotional

1 Timothy 4:15
Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress.

Sometimes we're faced with seemingly mundane tasks. It can be hard to see the importance of giving our best to tasks we don't think are important or that anyone cares about. However, Rome wasn't built in a day and so our character and skills are built in faithfulness through the seemingly unimportant. The small things are the building blocks to skills and character that only develop in the grind. 

Growing up I did some martial arts and I would watch some of the older kids doing kicks and techniques that I wanted to try immediately. I wanted to do aerial feats that looked as cool as the ones they were doing. When I sought help to learn these fancy tricks I was surprised to learn that I needed to improve and work on the basics. The time and work put into perfecting the basic techniques laid the foundation for the more advanced ones. It also helped to build the resolve and resilency to persevere to learn the harder techniques. 

So as we enter the new year and think about having to return to doing some of the drone and monotony of tasks that can be hard to find important. Remember that it's faithfulness and commitment to doing the small things with excellence that pave the way for greater skill and responsibility.