January 2021- Wk 3 Devotional

 If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:9


You ever get tired of making the same mistakes? Ever get tired of telling the same people how you messed up again? I have sure felt that way in the past. When I was in college I had an accountability group, some friends that knew about some of the vices and issues I struggled with. There was a period of time that I felt ashamed, annoying and dumb for telling this group of friends about the ways that I was struggling or needing to ask for help to get out of some of the situations I put myself in.


I was so convinced of how annoying and burdensome I was that I thought the best thing I could do was just stop telling them. I felt that I was being a bad friend and that if all I ever talked to these people about was the struggles I had they wouldn’t want to be my friends. However, something I’d learned is that I’m quick to make assumptions about what I think other people think about me. I had a geometry teacher that used to always say, “Don’t ass-u-me because when you do you make an “ass” out of “u” and “me.” So rather than assuming I knew what my friends were thinking I asked and shared about what I was thinking. It turned out that they didn’t think I was a piece of trash and annoying, but were glad that they could help out and encourage a friend. Since then I have had the opportunity to return the favor and walk alongside friends that have gone through their share of struggles and issues. The scriptures talk about how confessing our sins one to another helps to produce healing in our lives and I’ve found this to be true.


I’m also encouraged to know that even if the earthly friends I have become tired and weary I have a friend and an advocate in the Person of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ the living and Risen Savior and my God who does not tire or grow faint and who says to me that He is Faithful. That I can always turn to him and be genuine and real about the struggles that I have. Moreover, that when I own up to my sin and confess these things to my Lord that  He purifies and cleanse my dirt stained soul. Because of Him I no longer have to hold on to the guilt or shame of the past. No longer need to be chained to my mistakes and trust in His promise that His burden is light and yoke easy. Through His righteousness I can stand before the throne of God and the fellowship of men with a clear conscience.