Updates from the Protestant Chapel 10/15/21

Until 1995, Lou Gehrig held Major League Baseball's record for the longest streak of consecutive games played (2,130).  He had to overcome a tremendous amount of difficulty.  He played 15 seasons, at times with injuries including broken bones and a bad back.  Sometimes, he even played sick.   


In 1995, Cal Ripkin Jr. broke Lou Gherig's record.  Cal also faced adversity en route to setting the record.  In 1998, he established a new benchmark with 2,632 consecutive games played!  It is now considered an unbreakable record.

Lou Gherig and Cal Ripkin Jr. demonstrated amazing determination and dependability. 


Can we apply these examples to our walk with the Lord?  What comparisons can be made?  Could the streak of consecutive games be compared to daily devotions, weekly worship or even practicing godliness? 


Let's be encouraged to build determination and dependability in our relationship with God.   Expand it.  Enhance it.  This can be a big step toward increasing effectiveness and faithfulness to God.


See you Sunday!


Grace & Peace,


  Chaplain Lee


|| For information updates, please read on … ||


In-person Services:

- 0900:  Contemporary Worship

- 1100:  Contemporary Worship

Virtual Services:  https://www.facebook.com/ChristChapel29Palms


+ Keep yourself, your family and others safe by wearing a mask in the facility, even if fully vaccinated. 


MCCS Self-Enrichment Workshops:

- Living My Best Life:  Attitudes & Actions

* Oct 26 (Virtual)

- 4 Lenses

* Oct 28 (0900-1300)

* Location:  Bldg 1526, CRO Classroom

- For registration, contact Erika Dorre @ 760-830-3115


Christian Women's Fellowship:

- Fall Semester Bible Study

Meets weekly in the chapel on Tuesdays

Times:  0900-1100 or 1800-2000 or via Zoom

- Continue to visit our Facebook page for up-to-date information on events and activities:  https://www.facebook.com/CWF29Palms

If you have any questions or need anything, please contact us!



Command Chaplain


Twentynine Palms, CA

Office:  760-830-6202

Cell:  760-401-1298

Recall:  951-698-1330



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