Praying the Bible: The Problem

I've started reading this book by Donald Whitney. He's well know as a teacher and writer regarding Spiritual disciplines. The book I'm going through now is about "Praying the Bible." This first part discusses the problem many people may have with prayer. If you're the average person chances are you've grown up saying prayers that get prayed often. Prayers that you were taught as a kid and that you repeat out of habit. 

Whitney suggests that this type of mindless repetition is what makes prayer, conversation with the Creator of the Universe, the most powerful and interesting person in existence, boring. He also submitted that it may be that God is bored of the conversation we have with him when we drone thoughtless rumblings of religious rite. 

A method I have used to help me address what Whitney describes as the problem is to bible journal. I'll take a single idea, a paragraph out of the bible and restate it in the way God may be saying it to me in my current context. Then I'll respond to what God is saying to me.

This practice has been the single greatest discipline I've incorporated into my life that has drawn me closer to God. 

Very Respectfully,

Tim Salomon