Spiritual Fitness Toolkit- Life History Analysis

Life History Analysis 

Self Application 

This exercise helps you identify patterns in your life as well as extract some of the lessons you’ve learned. Just like landnav, you can’t plot out where you are going till you can identify where you are on the map. That’s what this exercise does. 

Materials/Resources needed: 4 pieces of paper, pen/pencil 

Step 1: Write as many names of people or events that had a positive impact in your life. (5 min) 

Step 2: Write as many names of people or events that had a negative impact on your life. (5min) 

Step 3: Draw a timeline from Birth to Present. Organize the positive/negative events chronologically 

Step 4: Group events on the timeline by season of life/theme and draw vertical lines to divide the timeline into seasons. Write the title of the season over the top of the timeline 

Step 5: List the lessons you learned about yourself, others, the world in under each season.  

Step 6: Write your observations from the timeline about where you’ve come. How do the lessons you’ve learned shape a)Decisions you make b) How you interact with people/Form relationships c) How you handle adversity/Solve problems 

Step 7: Write down patterns you’ve observed from your timeline. Identify positive and negative patterns 

Step 8: Write down changes you need to implement to keep from repeating negative patterns. Write intentional habits to cultivate so you create positive patterns.  

Step 9: Write what you you’d call this current season of life and the lessons you think you need to learn.