Spiritual Fitness Toolkit-Mind Mapping


When we encounter difficult situations, it is easy to become stressed and overwhelmed. Clarity of thought becomes difficult because it is hard to separate our emotions from all the possible outcomes and stress inducing factors. Racing thoughts produce anxiety and restlessness, so it becomes important to manage our thoughts. Mind mapping provides a way to free our brain of having to carry all the information racing in our head out and on to a place that we can get some distance from the circumstances. Distance helps us be objective and gain new perspective on resources and options we may have been blind to.  

Step 1: Write the Key topic or Subject in the center of the page.  

Step 2: List out the major issues around the center topic 

Step 3: Identify sub-topics for each major issue 

Step 4: Identify and mark topics that are connected or affect each other 

Step 5: Identify common themes of ongoing issues 

Step 6: Decide which major issue or theme is most urgent 

Step 7: Brainstorm resources needed to handle issue.  

Step 8: Determine S.M.A.R.T. goals to tackle the most urgent issue.