Spiritual Fitness Toolkit- Reframing/Resiliency Builder



Spiritual Fitness isn't something that happens by accident. Just like physical fitness one needs to be intentional and consistent in practicing skills that build spiritual strength. The Thankfulness Journal is a habit that trains resiliency by forcing the mind to shift perspective and identify positive outcomes. This skill builds resiliency and aids in problem solving by shifting towards actions that are in my ability to influence outcomes.  

Forcing yourself to identify things you are thankful for helps you to become resilient by learning to see options and resources. When you identify resources, you open yourself to possibilities and begin contemplating the future. When all you can see is what you think you're entitled to or what you don't have you train your mind to not see what you have and get stuck in the past.  

Materials/Resources needed: Paper/Notebook, pen/paper 

Daily Habit 

Step 1:  Write a minimum of 10 things you can be thankful for today. They cannot repeat items from previous days.  

Step 2:  Set a consistent time in the day to create your list 

As needed 

Step 1:  When feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or depressed take 5 minutes to write as many things you can be thankful for.  

Step 2:  Write out how what your thankful for affects your attitude or future.  


Thankful Journal 1/21/22 

  1. Friends: I have people that I can count on and that care about me 

  2. I'm alive: I still have choices to make and the ability to do good 

  3. Car: I don't have to walk to work and am not stuck on base 

  4. I'm a Marine: I still get benefits, paid and have job security