5 min Mind Dump

5 Min Mind Dump

When we have anxious thoughts our minds can become like runaway trains. All of our thoughts are connected to feelings which in the echo chamber of our mind feed into a feeling of being out of control. One of the ways we can gain control is by writing.  Writing creates some space between our thoughts/emotions, makes us accountable for our thoughts, and gives us perspective by giving us another viewpoint outside of the echo chamber of the mind. 

Materials Needed/Resources: Pen/Pencil; Paper, timer
Step 1: Set a timer for 5 min and write anything and everything that comes into your head. 
Step 2. After the timer. Circle thoughts that lead to decision points. 
Step 3. Box thoughts/feelings that you'd like to explore. 
Step 4. Create a decision tree for each of the circled items. 
Step 5.  For boxed items identify the source of the thought/feeling
* If you get stuck: Set aside time to write about boxed items. You can set a timer and let whatever comes into your head regarding that thought/emotion flow out.