Bible Journaling #1: Letters to God

Bible Journaling #1:Letters to God
People often get into ruts in their Christian life when they begin to treat reading scripture like thing that needs to be marked off a to do list. We often get caught up trying to finish reading the next assignment in our bible reading plan but often fail to COMMUNICATE with God. The Bible is a message from God to you and me. This means we need to LISTEN and RESPOND to the things God reveals to us about Himself, mankind, and ourselves.

This method of bible journaling has been the single most effective tool in helping me grow in my relationship with God because it forced me to slow down and MEDITATE on what God was saying, so that I could respond. 

Materials/Resources Needed: Paper, Pen/Pencil, Scriptures
Step 1: Identify the smallest "thought block" or complete paragraph in the scriptures. 
Step 2: Write the "address" or scripture reference of the thought block 
Step 3: Underneath the scripture reference copy out the scripture word for word. 
Step 4: Write "God:" Write out what God is saying to you in the first person as if God was speaking to you directly.
Step 5: Write "Me:" Write out your response to God. 

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that gave His only begotten Son so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. 
Do you know how much I love you? I love you so much that I gave up the person who is most precious to me and sent Him to die in your place so that you could live with Me forever. Do you believe that I love you? 
God I have trouble believing that You love me. I can't understand why anyone would give their life for me. All I see are the things I've done and do wrong. Please help me to accept your love and live in the freedom and power that comes from the grace you've given me through Your Son Jesus.