Redeployment Brief/Resources

Ask for help
*Don't be the statistic
Most of you don't think you need this brief and think this is a waste of time
Two kinds of people
1. Enough to deter. Warning to help make better decisions
2. School of Hard Knocks
 *It's never a bad time to ask for help

Mental health resources: Dial 988
MFLC- 442-307-1022/442-307-4656
Duty Chaplain #- 760-861-4739
Focus: 760-916-6322

EVALUATE - H.A.L.T Inventory

Redeployment Brief-pdf

1. Be intentional with:

A. Time
-Limited Resource
- Have a plan/Schedule time for work, self, engagement with others
- How your personality type is recharged(Take the test)
o Introverted vs Extroverted recharging

B. Resources
-Budget/CFS appointment
-Budget template
o Know where your money is going-Monitor Expenses
o Assess if your spending habits align with your values/goals
o Ask for help before making big item purchases and do your homework

C. Relationships
*No plan is a plan to fail
o Parties/Trips that involve alcohol
-complete plan how to get there, what you do there, how to get back
o Relationships/Big purchases or decisions
-Don't make comfort based decisions
-Don't make decisions out of desperation/duress
- don't rush getting married
1. Buy Cars
2. Get married
3. Switch Jobs/Get out

+ SMART goals
+ Little things that help you have a better day
+ Mood/energy/sleep journal
+ Routines that set you up for success
- Don't break up the good habits you've made
  o Addiction: Don't get fooled into thinking you're no longer an addict or have issues with alcohol
     -Stick to your plan: Boundaries Tool  

+ Change is a constant
- Key to successful intimate relationships: Change together
+ Integrate into the existing schedule
+ Unmet expectations leads to:
- loneliness
- bitterness
- anger
o Reintegration Plan: Work together
-No abrupt changes
-Plan and Evaluate
o Don't Be a Rapist
-Take time to reconnect
-plan and discuss
-Set the mood and have the energy and time for intimate activities